Sunday, February 24, 2013

We Have Arrived!

Catty, Ianto and I made it safely to Aiken yesterday afternoon, thank goodness.  It rained nearly the entire trip down, which is really terrific considering my truck's windshield wipers squeak with every swipe, quite irritating after a while.  The truck also provided a couple scary moments with some random rather loud rattling sounds, but luckily they were short in duration.  Another scary moment was being passed by semi's on each side of me simultaneously going 65 mph in the pouring rain, causing my knuckles to turn white as I clung to the steering wheel.  Overall though the trip wasn't as bad as I was anticipating.  However, I did get quite bored at times, and my butt fell asleep just an hour into the trip, but if those are my only complaints life isn't bad.  

The horses seem to have settled in well.  At first I put them in their stalls and Catty looked so depressed.  I think she thought she was going to be stuck in a stall the whole time like the last time she was away.  As soon as I put her and Ianto out in the paddock her demeanor completely changed, and you could almost see a smile on her face.  I did get to go on a hack on one of my trainer's horses yesterday, and there is so much space to ride out it's terrific.  I can't wait to take Catty and Ianto out.  Today is supposed to be sunny and 70, which I'm beyond excited for.  Yesterday when I arrived it was foggy and in the 40's.  All I could think was I drove 9 hours for this?  


  1. So glad you and the horses made it safely. Enjoy your time there! Even if each day is not 70 degrees, the facility with the calm and peaceful surroundings will be sure to lift the spirits.

  2. sounds alot better than combing thru dealer socket for sales and ups....Hope you are having fun.

